Drug Possession: When to Seek Out a Lawyer

Massachusetts law varies depending on the type of drug offense a person is charged with. Punishments for drug trafficking and sale to minors can be the most severe. Charges can be determined based on the type of substances.   Massachusetts...

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How to Get Custody of a Child

The two main reasons to file for custody of a child are if you are going through a divorce or if the child is born out of wedlock. If you are seeking custody, there are a few steps you need to take to file for custody of a child under the age...

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How Long Does a Car Accident Settlement Take?

There is no set time limit that claims take to reach settlements in Massachusetts. However, there are plenty of ways to project how much time a settlement might take based on each factor that leads to a settlement from the day you file a...

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Pay Equity and Massachusetts Law

Governor Charlie Baker signed off on a new law titled “An Act to Establish Pay Equity” early last month. This has been created in order to revise a previous law, which was derived from the court case of Jancey vs. School Committee of Everett....

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